Llangors Church in Wales Primary School


We have a highly skilled and knowledgeable Governing Body who work tirelessly to support the school.

The Governing Body publish an annual report which can be found on the school website.
Full Governing Body meetings are held six times a year. In addition there are regular committee meetings.

All governors are assigned an area of the school and curriculum so that they are expert in at least one area. This supports our governors to provide us with robust challenge as well as support and to know the school extremely well.

Our Governing Body will always be pleased to talk to you.

You can contact the Chair of Governors, Liz Griffiths, by email: griffithsl610@llangorse.powys.sch.uk 

Interim Headteacher Governor
Ros Beck

LEA Governors

County Cllr Sian Cox
Melanie Davies
Clare Owen

Community Governors

David Scully (Appointed by Llangors Community Council)

Parent Governors

Kayleigh Rees - Jones (Vice-Chair)
Hugh Martineau
Lydia Timmons
Emma Davies

Foundation Governors
David Raikes
John Meredith
Fay Jones-Poole
Tina Davenport
Anna Bessant

Teacher Governor
Claire Henry-Davies

Staff Governor
Leanne Williams

Clerk to the Governors
Beth Groves