Llangors Church in Wales Primary School

Additional Learning Needs

The school has a policy for Additional Learning Needs which sets out our approach to supporting children/young people with additional learning needs (ALN).

At Llangors Church in Wales School we believe that ALN and inclusion is everyone’s responsibility. However, we do have an ALNCo, Ms Sharon Quine, who will be your point of contact throughout your child's time with us should the have an additional learning need.



If you know that your child has an additional learning need, or feel that they might have, we encourage you to share this with us as early as possible so that we ensure your child has the best possible start at Llangors and begin to build a strong partnership with you from the very beginning.

We are committed to eliminating discrimination, promoting equality of opportunity, and fostering good relationships. Pupils with ALN engage in the activities of the school together with those who do not have ALN and are encouraged to participate fully in the life of the school and in any wider community activity. We are committed to ensuring our school celebrates and reflects our diverse community.

At Llangors Church in Wales School we are alert to emerging difficulties and respond early. For some children and young people, ALN can be identified at an early age. However, for other children difficulties become evident only as they develop. We recognise that parents know their children best and we listen and understand when parents express concerns about their child’s development. Please speak to your child's class teacher or Mrs Quine.  We also listen and address any concerns raised by children or young people themselves. Please encourage your child to talk to their teacher if they are worried about their learning.